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Sir Eglamore

Sir Eglamore that valiant knight
With his fa la lankydown dilly
He took his sword and he went to fight
With his etc.....
And as he rode o'er hill and vale
All clothed in his coat of mail
With his etc.....

A huge great dragon leapt out of its den
With his etc.....
That had killed the lord knows  
how many men With his etc..... But when it saw Sir Eglamore Good luck if you heard how
the dragon did roar With his etc..... This dragon it had such a plaguey hide With his etc..... That could both sword and spear abide With his etc..... He could not enter with hacks nor cuts Which plagued the knight to his very heart's
blood and guts With his etc..... Now when the knight in choler did burn With his etc..... He owed the dragon a shrewd good turn With his etc..... Straight at the mouth his sword he sent The point stuck out of its fundament With his etc.....
The dragon like a coward began to fly
With his etc.....
Unto its den which was hard by
With his etc.....
And there it laid it down and roared
The knight was vexed for his sword
With his etc.....

When all this was done to the alehouse he went
With his etc.....
And by and by his twopence he spent
With his etc.....
He was so hot from thugging with the dragon
That nothing would quench him but a whole flagon
With his etc.....

 Now God preserve our King and Queen
With his etc.....
That now in London there may be seen
With his etc.....
As many knights and as many more
And all so good as Sir Eglamore
With his etc.....
All content © 2008.
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